About Us

Welcome to our little Busy Bee Schoolhouse. We are thrilled that you are interested in finding more about our program.
For the past 20 years, the private Home-based Busy Bee School has been a place that has been "buzzing" with adventure, whole-child development & personalized learning. As the public schools have been putting younger children into larger class environments, with less play and age-appropriate development--we believe that children learn BEST when they feel safe, heard, and understood.
We use a blend of the Montessori, Waldorf, and High-Scope learning philosophies--all placed in a small, attentive, classroom environment. We give our students the opportunities to grow and thrive in an environment where they want to grow and "bee"come their best.

Our Class Beliefs

With the constantly changing education climate, children need consistency and support. We are here to offer all that we have for our students and families. We will do so in the next way possible to maximize the health and safety of our children, while fostering a class of positivity, growth, and support.
Here are some of the fundamental beliefs that we strive to achieve here at Busy Bee:
We believe that children learn best when they feel safe, heard & understood
We believe that young children will learn best in a classroom that has experienced, mindful & compassionate teachers able to tend to their needs
We believe that young children should have access to a well-balanced approach to learning
We believe that young children learn best through play and hands-on experiences
We believe that every child deserves personalized opporunities for growth and development.

Call Today to Schedule A Visit!

951 - 501 - 6588
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You can also call or text 951-501-6588.